Life imitates art

Diving in the vast ocean of inspiration.


I am the mountain.

I’m everything in nothingness.

I’m searching for self-expression. I used to travel a lot. Now I’m a bit more settled down. I practice yoga and I’m sharing what I’ve learned. I draw and paint. Trying to tune myself in the dimension of creativity. I am sometimes a model for art photography, which I like to call visual poetry. There it is. I’m an artist, a yoga teacher and an art model. It is so difficult to label myself, to attempt to market myself, to describe myself like a product. Why would you ever describe yourself? You’re ever changing. You can’t present yourself with labels, because you’re work in progress. You are your own masterpiece.

OK. Let’s do it again.

I am an artist, a yoga teacher and an art model.


Making art is an attempt to transcend, to get closer to the Divine.

For me yoga and art are interconnected. They’re both practices related to the so called “Flow state”. They’re both practices that bring you closer to divinity.